Reasearch on:
- Deep and rapid emissions reduction
- carbon capture
- Restoring part of the climate system that already poses a risk to humanity: freeze the arctic
- Enhanced freezing
- Marine Cloud Brightening
Sir David King - Founder and Chair, The Center for Climate Repair at Cambridge
- Climate Repair!
- Melting of artic is going faster than expected: 3.5C above.
- Positive feedback loop: ice melts / lakes are blue / absorb more energy
- We are already where we said we should not be. (>2C)
- Polar Vortex is meandering (coldest place is in Canada last winter for example, not the north pole)
- Methane emitted by permafrost: not an urgent problem
- Another example: Pictures of craters formed by methane "explosions". Very visual. 1000 have formed by 2018. Not yet an impact ...
- The highest risk we have today:
- In the middle of this: Greenland. There is more loss of ice than expected.
- Full melting: 500y
- By end of century: sea level rise because of it could be 2-3m
- South East Asia will be the most impacted region by sea level rising + hurricanes
- Djakarta will not be liveable by mid century ... this is why they are moving the capital!
- 200-300M people in this part of the world will not be able to live where they live today
- Rice production is at risk as well
- ASEAN countries: awareness at gvmt level is rising
Double check that with IPCC... IPCC says 10cm
Good angle here on the new capital of Indonesia ... seems like a Folly ... it's adaptation
- Carbon Capture
- We want to imitate natural processes = Biomimicry
- Ocean Surface Iron Fertilisation: based on winds coming in from the Sahara
- London protocol for dumping at sea (the US is not a member)
- We need a full UN protocol under the UN. Moratorium and allow experiments
- Cost: we will create additional fish stocks ... / Iron or sand is inexpensive. We can make a profit!
- Cloud Brightening for refreezing the arctict
- This is a risk management exercise
- Far far cheaper than the risk of letting it run
- Time is not on our side! We need to start doing this in the next few years
Good angle here with the sand from Sahara But this is dismissed by IPCC
- This can be a positive movement for social justice
- We want to make sure we have global permission for everything we do
- Today Geoengineering is more referring to SRM
- We need a concerted effort to involve the people the most impacted by SRM (in the arctic regions) in curating the solution:
- Local solutions (like cloud brightening) might be more expensive, but also more acceptable + you are not locking into a multi year problem / can be switched off
- If all emissions stopped today. How long would it take for the climate to settle back to an optimum level for humanity?
- temp rise will continue for next 20-30 years
- back down to 350ppm? end of century?
- If we continue with consumerism ... we will not make it
- Strategies focused on CH4?
- Converting to CO2: then you stop worrying about sequestration (you let the CO2 in the atmosphere) and still have a big impact
- Siemens Energy is involved. Photocatalysis in the desert
- Resources are stretched!